
Designed by Elaine Park

Technology depends on trust. People must trust their devices to respect their privacy, trust others online to engage honestly, and trust technology corporations to steward their products ethically.

Technology depends on trust. People must trust their devices to respect their privacy, trust others online to engage honestly, and trust technology corporations to steward their products ethically. At Rewired, we have been reflecting on the recent discourse surrounding antitrust and big tech’s potentially monopolistic practices. For us, the pushback against Silicon Valley monoliths indicates more than just legislative anxiety; these antitrust movements reveal the ways we (dis)trust intimate aspects of our lives to technology.

(Anti)Trust brings “trust” beyond its legal definition.  From podcasts to interviews to book reviews, this issue engages with various manifestations of “trust” — in bonds connecting virtual social communities, experiences of forming online relationships, and ways tech ties assets to art through NFTs (“trust” in a financial sense).

Trust can’t be built in a day, but it certainly can be broken. We must move beyond looking for it just in community guidelines or terms of service. Trust requires our continuous, collective commitment. (Anti)Trust urges readers to set aside quick-fixes and inspires a sustained engagement in creating a digital future we can all have faith in.

— the Editors, Spring 2021


Editors: Jason Zhao, Irene Han, Ben Esposito, Christopher Maximos, Tanvi Dutta Gupta, Rayan Krishnan

Design: Crystal Nattoo (Lead), Jessica Chen, Anna Greene, Ji Hong Ni, Cameron Linhares-Huang, Emily Zhong

Tech: Rayan Krishnan (Lead), Anne Li

Business: Enya Lu (Lead), Elaine Park

Staff Writers: Tanvi Dutta Gupta, Peter Maldonado, Christopher Maximos, Angela Lee, Enya Lu, Alessandro Vecchiato,  Rayan Krishnan

Contributing Writers: Hannah Scott, Harith Khawaja, Smiti Mittal

Rewired is a digital magazine where technology and society meet. We’re committed to curating stories that amplify diverse perspectives and bridge disciplines.
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